We welcome you, as you begin the process of looking at the Roman Catholic Church. We will do all that we can to help you on this Journey of Faith.
The first thing we ask of you is that you complete this questionnaire.
This questionnaire is a useful tool so that we may serve you better and get to know you and your particular situation.
Please answer all questions that apply to you as fully as possible. Your answers will be treated as confidential and will only be seen by the OCIA director.
✜ May God bless you and be with you as you journey with us ✜
The first thing we ask of you is that you complete this questionnaire.
This questionnaire is a useful tool so that we may serve you better and get to know you and your particular situation.
Please answer all questions that apply to you as fully as possible. Your answers will be treated as confidential and will only be seen by the OCIA director.
✜ May God bless you and be with you as you journey with us ✜