First Holy CommunionSacred Heart’s First Communion program is a two year program which begins in the first grade. The first year provides an understanding of God and his great love for us. The children will learn about the Blessed Trinity, the Blessed Mother and Jesus the Light of the World; they will be introduced to the Sacraments as well as the liturgical seasons of the church.
In the second year, the children will be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as First Communion. They will come to understand that God is all merciful and always there to help and guide us on our path to holiness. They will learn about Jesus and His gift of Himself in the Eucharist. The role of the parents and guardians is the most important role in a child’s faith formation. You provide the foundation for your child’s understanding of the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. As a parent or guardian, you are the primary teacher of the faith. Our catechists work in partnership with you to help your child learn about Jesus and His great love. Parents and guardians are expected to attend weekly Mass with their children, bring their children to class each week, and attend the parent meetings held throughout the year. First Holy Communion is held each year in the Spring. Adults who have been baptized may qualify for reception of this sacrament through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program. Please contact Fran Orefice, Director of Life-Giving Ministries at (201) 843-1722 for additional information. |